I don't know if this has been said 'cause I am so boiling mad that I haven't read all the posts yet (and I do need to do some work today) but; if we who are created in God's image and likeness (as the dubbers like to say - and/or the Bible if you wish) even in our 'imperfect state' would not consider for a moment killing a child for the sins of the father then how could a 'loving' God do something that is so reprehensible to us 'lowly', 'imperfect' humans?
For example; If my husband/boyfriend had an affair and got another woman pregnant, I would be mad as he** at HIM and depending on the circumstance I might be mad at her as well. BUT - NEVER would I want to take vengeance upon the child. The child is the only innocent person in the equation.
Furthermore, as an grown woman who's experienced a lot in life, If Jehoba, or whomever else told me he'd take one of my kids because of something I did, I'd offer myself in their place so that they can live and experience life. Why didn't David or Bath-takin-she-ho do that?